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What is the HubSpot Website Grader, and How Does it Work?

Written by Reg Desgroselliers | Jul 16, 2024 2:11:00 PM

Do you ever wonder how your website stacks up against your competitors? Or perhaps you're in the process of updating your site and want to see where you can make improvements.

The HubSpot Website Grader can help you answer questions like: Is my website lightning fast and mobile-friendly? Does it speak the language that search engines crave when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), ensuring your content gets discovered by the right audience?

This free tool analyzes your website and provides a score - along with some actionable insight - to help you improve its overall performance.

What is the HubSpot Website Grader?

The HubSpot Website Grader is a free online tool that evaluates your website’s performance in several key areas, including; performance, SEO, mobile performance, and security.

Once scanned, the tool provides you with scores and suggestions for improvement, empowering you to optimize your site for improved performance and higher search engine rankings.

How Does the HubSpot Website Grader Work?

The Website Grader works by scanning your website's code and content. Simply enter your website URL and email address, and the grader will get to work.

In a few seconds, you'll receive a report - straight to your inbox! - with your overall website grade and specific recommendations for improvement across different areas.

What Does the HubSpot Website Grader Check?

The Website Grader assesses your website's health across several key areas. Here's a closer look at what the Grader inspects:

1 - Website Performance

First impressions matter, and website speed is no exception. A fast-loading website is crucial for a positive user experience. If your website takes too long to load, they're likely to bounce and head to your competitor's site. The grader analyzes factors that can slow down your site, helping you ensure visitors have a smooth and speedy experience.

  • Page Size: Large page sizes, like those filled with unoptimized images or bloated code, take longer to load. The Grader will flag hefty pages and suggest ways to slim them down.
  • Browser Caching: Caching helps browsers load frequently accessed elements of your website faster, similar to remembering a familiar route. The Grader checks if your website is properly configured for browser caching to optimize loading times.
  • Page Redirects: Too many redirects, like detours on a road trip, can slow down loading times. The Grader identifies unnecessary redirects and suggests solutions for a more streamlined journey for visitors.
  • Image Size: Large, unoptimized images can be a major bottleneck for website speed. The Grader will identify hefty images and recommend ways to compress them without sacrificing quality.
  • Page Speed: This measures how long it takes for your entire website to fully load. The Grader will provide your page speed score and suggest optimizations to make your website feel like a cheetah, not a sloth.
  • Page Requests: The fewer HTTP requests your website makes to load all its elements, the faster it will load. The Grader analyzes the number of requests and suggests ways to minimize them for optimal performance.
  • JavaScript and CSS: Excessive or unoptimized code can significantly slow down your website. The Grader identifies areas where your JavaScript and CSS code can be streamlined for a faster experience.
2 - Search Engine Optimization

Having a website search engines can find and understand is essential for organic traffic, ensuring your amazing content gets discovered by the people who need it most. The grader looks for elements that improve your website's SEO.

  • Indexing: Is your website properly configured to be indexed by search engines like Google? If not, your website might be invisible in search results, like a store with no address. The Grader checks your website's indexing status and suggests solutions for better search engine visibility.
  • Description Link Text: Descriptive link text for your pages is like clear labels on shelves in a store. It helps search engines understand the content of your pages and can improve click-through rates in search results. The Grader analyzes your link text and suggests improvements for better clarity.
  • Meta Description: A well-written meta description entices users to click on your website in search results. The Grader checks your meta descriptions.
  • Content Plugins: Certain plugins, while convenient, can sometimes hinder your SEO efforts. The Grader identifies plugins that might be negatively impacting your SEO and suggests alternatives.
3 - Mobile Performance

With the majority of web traffic coming from mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website is no longer optional. In fact, over 60 percent of website traffic today comes from mobile devices. The grader assesses how well your website adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience for visitors on any device.

  • Font Size: Is the text on your website large enough to be easily read on a mobile device? Tiny text can be frustrating for users and strain their eyes. The Grader checks your font sizes and recommends adjustments for optimal readability on all screen sizes.
  • Responsiveness: Does your website layout adjust automatically to fit different screen sizes, like a responsive store that rearranges its displays to accommodate the flow of customers? The Grader analyzes your website's responsiveness and suggests improvements for a user-friendly experience on any device.
  • Clickable Elements: Are buttons and other clickable elements large enough and spaced far enough apart to be easily tapped on a mobile device? Fiddling with tiny buttons can be a pain for users. The Grader assesses the size and spacing of your clickable elements and recommends adjustments for a frustration-free mobile experience.
4 - Security

A secure website is essential for protecting user data and building trust. The grader checks for security best practices to ensure your website is a safe haven for visitors.

  • HTTPS Secured: Does your website use HTTPS encryption to protect sensitive information like contact forms or login details?  The Grader checks if your website uses HTTPS and recommends enabling it if not already in place.
  • Secure JavaScript Libraries: Are any third-party JavaScript libraries on your site using insecure protocols like HTTP? Insecure libraries can be vulnerable. The Grader identifies insecure libraries and suggests solutions for a more robust website security posture.

By understanding these areas and the Website Grader's recommendations, you can take steps to improve your website's overall performance and user experience.

Not sure where to start? SummitBound’s team of Web Development and B2B Inbound Marketing experts would love to help.